
Grodno region
Up-to-date methods combined with modern technologies are the key to professional training of children and teenagers in safe behavior in almost all aspects of life. The key to professional training of children and adolescents in safe behavior in almost all aspects of life activity
Sites catalogue
Transportation safety
Transportation safety
Describes the rules of behavior in public transport and at bus stops, the rules of boarding and disembarking from buses and trolleybuses.
Corridor of Dangers
Corridor of Dangers
Immerses in places where people may encounter dangers in everyday life – swamps, construction pits and sites, roadways.
Teaches in a playful way the rules of the road and the rules of using bank payment cards.
A pool filled with plastic balls to simulate water helps to practice drowning rescue skills.
Winter pond
Winter pond
Tells and shows how to help a person who has fallen through the ice.
Forms skills of cultural behavior in the forest and allows you to practice orienteering skills.
Medical training
Medical training
Equipped with mannequins for practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, helping a person who has choked, dressing materials, first aid kits, simulators of wounds and injuries, human torso for studying the anatomy of the human body.
Model elevator, monitor and CCTV camera will help to form knowledge about correct and safe behavior in the elevator.
Talks about the dangers possible when children misbehave.
Primary fire extinguishing equipment
Primary fire extinguishing equipment
The “Fire Extinguisher Practice” and “Flame Simulation” stands help to learn the rules of fire extinguishing equipment use
Stationary telephones with software help to practice the algorithm of calling the emergency service in various emergency situations.
Living room
Living room
Tells about the dangers that can happen at home due to carelessness – fire, broken thermometer, short-circuited electric wiring, and how to deal with them.
Augmented reality
Augmented reality
A set of stands “Safe Operation of Electrical Equipment”, “Safe Operation of Gas Equipment” and “Stove Heating” paired with augmented reality tools effectively tells about the rules of safe behavior.
Knowledge control
Knowledge control
It checks knowledge on the basics of life safety.

Lida city, 8 Marta Street, 9
Working hours
8.00-17.00 Monday-Friday
Social networks
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