Safety in emergency situations. 1-4 grade

Safety in emergency situations. 1-4 grade
safety category
Emergency safety
1-4 grade
number of questions

Question №1
If a thunderstorm takes you by surprise in the forest, where can you hide?
Question №2
If ice crackles under your feet while traveling along a river in winter, you should:
Question №3
Which of the listed sequences for calling emergency services is correct: “Gas Service”, “Ambulance”, “Emergencies”, Militia”?
Question №4
If you discover a suspicious item you should:
Question №5
What should you do if you get a minor wound or scratch?
Question №6
What should you do if, while passing under the vault of pitched roofs, you hear a noise like ice falling from the roof?
Question №7
What should you do if a strong wind, hurricane or storm catches you outside?
Question №8
What is the first thing to do if a TV set catches fire?
Question №9
What should you do if you are stuck in an elevator?
Question №10
If you break a mercury thermometer:
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