Personal data processing policy at the Educational Center for Life Safety of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus

Personal data processing policy at the Educational Center for Life Safety of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus
Personal data processing policy at the Educational Center for Life Safety of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus
  1. This Regulation on the processing of personal data in the state educational institution «University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus» (further — Situation) it is developed according to the Code of Republic of Belarus about education, the Labor code of Republic of Belarus, the Convention of the Council of Europe on protection of natural persons at the automated processing of personal data of 28.01.1981, the Charter of the European Union about basic rights of 12.12.2007, the Law of Republic of Belarus of 07.05.2021 No. 99-Z «About Protection of Personal Data» (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Personal Data Protection), the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 21.07.2008 No. 418-Z «On the Population Register,” the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 10.11.2008 No. 455-Z «On Information, Informatization and Information Protection,” and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. This Regulation defines the policy regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) of the state educational institution «Civil Protection University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus» (hereinafter referred to as the Operator, University) establishes procedures aimed at preventing and detecting violations of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, eliminating the consequences of such violations related to the processing of personal data, and also contains information on the implemented requirements for the protection of personal data.
  3. Streamlining the treatment of personal data is aimed at ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens in the processing of personal data, maintaining the confidentiality of personal data and their protection.
  4. All issues related to the processing of personal data not regulated by this Regulation shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of personal data.
  1. The following basic concepts and terms are used in these Regulations:
    1. biometric personal data – information characterizing the physiological and biological characteristics of a person, which is used for his unique identification (fingerprints, palm prints, iris, facial characteristics and his image, etc.);
    2. blocking of personal data – termination of access to personal data without deleting it;
    3. genetic personal data – information related to the inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of a person, which contains unique data about his physiology or health and can be identified, in particular, by examining his biological sample;
    4. depersonalization of personal data – actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to determine the ownership of personal data to a specific subject of personal data without the use of additional information;
    5. processing of digital data – any action or set of actions performed with personal data, including collection, systematization, storage, modification, use, depersonalization, blocking, distribution, provision, deletion of digital data;
    6. publicly available personal data – personal data distributed by the subject of credit data either with his protocol, or distributed in accordance with the requirements of legislative acts;
    7. operator – Educational Center for Life Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (220118, Mashinostroiteley St., 25, Minsk, Republic of Belarus) and its branches:
      • Gomel branch of the state educational institution “University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus” (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Olesheva St., 2);
      • Branch “Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training” of the state educational institution “University of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus” (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Olesheva St., 2);
    8. personal data – any information relating to an identified individual or an identifiable individual;
    9. providing personal data – actions aimed at familiarizing with the personal data of a certain person or group of persons;
    10. dissemination of personal data – actions aimed at familiarizing with the personal data of an indefinite number of persons;
    11. special personal data – personal data relating to race or nationality, political views, membership in trade unions, religious or other beliefs, health or sexuality, exposure to administrative or criminal liability, as well as biometric and genetic personal data;< /li>
    12. personal data subject – an individual in respect of whom personal data is processed;
    13. cross-border transfer of personal data – transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state;
    14. deletion of personal data – actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore personal data in information resources (systems) containing personal data, and (or) as a result of which material media of personal data are destroyed;
    15. authorized person – a state body, a legal entity of the Republic of Belarus, another organization, an individual who, in accordance with an act of legislation, a decision of a state body that is an operator, or on the basis of an agreement with an operator, processes personal data on behalf of the operator or in his interests;
    16. an individual who can be identified is an individual who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular through a surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, identification number or through one or more signs characteristic of his physical, psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.
    17. site – any site on the Internet (Internet resource) administered by the Operator (including:;;; .by;;, etc.).
  1. The Operator shall process personal data of the following categories of Personal Data Subjects:
    • job candidates;
    • employees and other representatives of the Operator;
    • third-party workers;
    • relatives and family members of employees;
    • potential counterparties;
    • applicants (applicants);
    • learners;
    • guests;
    • visitors;
    • applicants;
    • site visitors;
    • site users;
    • other Entities whose interaction with the Operator creates the need to process personal data.
  1. The Operator collects and subsequently processes personal data for the purposes specified separately for each category of Subjects in Chapter 5 of these Regulations.
  2. The Operator transfers, including cross-border, personal data of the Subjects for the purposes specified in Section 4 of these Regulations.
  3. Personal data is processed solely to achieve one or more specified legitimate purposes. If personal data has been collected and processed to achieve a specific purpose, in order to use this data for other purposes, it is necessary to inform the Personal Data Subject about this and, if necessary, obtain new consent to processing.
  4. In order to ensure the personal safety of the Personal Data Subjects and to ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, the Operator shall introduce a video surveillance system (video filming) in the Operator’s premises (as a rule, in corridors, classrooms and halls with exits (entrances), except for toilet rooms, showers, changing rooms, rest rooms). Records of video surveillance systems (video filming) are stored on the hard disk of the recording device at the location of the Operator (its branches where video filming is performed), as well as at the operator of the public safety monitoring system for 30 (thirty) calendar days, unless a different storage period is established by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  5. Processing of personal data may be carried out for other purposes, if necessary in connection with ensuring compliance with the law.
  1. The content and volume of personal data of each category of Subjects is determined by the need to achieve the specific purposes of their processing, as well as the need for the Operator to exercise its rights and obligations, as well as the rights and obligations of the corresponding Subject.

    If necessary, the Personal Data Subject provides copies of documents.

  2. Job candidates: individuals (citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens, stateless persons), potential employees with whom the Operator (directly or through a third party) interacts (reviewing information about the Subject, conducting negotiations, etc. .).

    Categories of personal data:
    • last name (all previous surnames), first name, patronymic (if any);
    • gender;
    • citizenship;
    • date (day, month, year) and place of birth;
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • number and series of state social insurance certificate;
    • characteristics from the last place of study (work, service);
    • data of the birth certificate (number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.) (if necessary);
    • information about marital status and family composition, indicating surnames, first names and patronymics, dates of birth, places of work and/or study of family members;
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • information about the place of actual residence;
    • data on education, advanced training and professional retraining, academic degree, academic title;
    • taxpayer identification number;
    • information about labor (official) activities (including length of service and work experience, employment data indicating position, department, information about the employer, etc.);
    • specialty, profession, qualification;
    • information about military registration;
    • medical information (in cases provided for by law);
    • biometric personal data (including photographs, images from CCTV cameras, voice recordings);
    • information about social benefits and payments;
    • contact information (including home and/or mobile phone numbers, email, etc.);
    • information about awards and incentives;
    • information provided by the candidate himself during the completion of personality questionnaires and psychometric testing activities, as well as the results of such testing (psychometric profile, abilities and characteristics);
    • other data that may be indicated in the candidate’s resume or application form.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to consider the possibility of employment of candidates, identify conflicts of interest, check candidates (including their qualifications and work experience), ensure safety, preserve material values &ZeroWidthSpace; &ZeroWidthSpace; and prevent offenses in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local legal acts of the Operator.

    The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subjects of personal data to the processing of their personal data, as well as without such consent in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and to ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify the Subjects.

    Period of processing and storage: processing and storage of personal data is permitted only in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and is carried out during the entire period of negotiations with the Subject to resolve the issue of concluding an agreement (contract) with him.

    Personal data of candidates is stored in paper and (or) electronic form.

  3. Employees and other representatives of the Operator: employees of the Operator who have entered into an agreement (contract) with the Operator, including those who are foreign citizens and stateless persons.

    Categories of personal data:
    • surname (all previous surnames), first name, patronymic (if any);
    • gender;
    • citizenship;
    • date (day, month, year) and place of birth;
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • number and series of the state social insurance certificate;
    • birth certificate data (number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.) (if necessary);
    • information about marital status and family composition, indicating the last names, first names and patronymics of family members, date of birth, place of work and/or study;
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • information about the place of actual residence;
    • data on education, advanced training and professional retraining, academic degree, academic title;
    • taxpayer identification number;
    • information about the declaration of income and property (including information about income received, information about property, etc.);
    • information from the unified state data bank on offenses against the person being inspected;
    • information about labor (official) activities (including length of service and work experience, employment data indicating position, department, information about the employer, etc.);
    • specialty, profession, qualification;
    • information about military registration;
    • medical information (in cases provided for by law);
    • biometric personal data (including photographs, images from CCTV cameras, voice recordings);
    • information about social benefits and payments;
    • contact information (including home and/or mobile phone numbers, email, etc.);
    • information about awards, incentives and disciplinary sanctions;
    • information provided by the candidate himself during filling out personality questionnaires and undergoing psychometric testing activities, as well as the results of such testing (psychometric profile, abilities and characteristics);
    • performance results;
    • financial information, including insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, bank account details;
    • other data necessary for the fulfillment of mutual rights and obligations.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to ensure compliance with laws and other regulations, assistance to employees in employment, education and career advancement, proper registration of labor (office) relations between the Operator and the Personal Data Subject and all related documents, maintaining related these include personnel, economic, financial, accounting, tax, statistical and military accounting, preparation of statistical, administrative and other reporting information in accordance with the requirements of the law, maintaining a personnel reserve, identifying conflicts of interest, assisting employees in the performance of official duties, advanced training and job growth, ensuring personal safety during the performance of official (official) duties, organization and implementation of educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, recording the results of the performance of official (official) duties.

    Personal data of the Subjects may also be provided (be available):
    • third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, security, etc.) if this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties to the Operator;
    • To the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus if this is necessary to organize the activities of the Operator;
    • The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus if this is necessary for organizing the educational process (passing state accreditation of an educational institution, etc.);
    • other third parties if this is necessary for organizing the educational process, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    Information regarding accrued payments, as well as provided tax and other benefits, etc. are also entered for the purpose of internal information support of the Operator and maintenance of automated accounting, access to which is provided to a limited circle of the Operator’s employees.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data of employees is carried out during the entire validity period of the agreements (contracts) concluded between the Operator and the Subject, as well as after the expiration of the agreements (contracts) in accordance with the legislation on archiving, tax legislation and legislation about accounting. Personal data of employees after their dismissal can be reused by the Operator to receive recommendations, feedback on the quality of the Subject’s work from the Subject’s immediate supervisors and colleagues during the period of work with the Operator in the event of a repeated application by the Subject for the purpose of employment or for the purpose of concluding a civil contract.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify the Subjects.

    Personal data of Subjects who are family members of the Operator’s employees are stored in paper form as part of the employees’ personal files.

  4. Employees of third parties: individuals who are in labor or civil law relations with third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (construction, legal, auditing, accounting, security, cleaning, personnel search and selection services, etc. .p.) or for the Operator to perform work, or for the Operator to provide services for such third parties (providing consulting services in the field of fire and industrial safety, etc.).

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • gender;
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • information about work or about the performance of work, the provision of services under a civil law contract, namely: the name of the employer from among the third parties with whom the Operator has entered into contracts, and the position held or the name of the third party who has concluded a civil law contract with him, and type of work performed, services provided;
    • contact information, including email address, phone number (office, mobile);
    • recordings of video surveillance systems (video recording) installed on the Operator’s premises.
    • other categories of personal data, to the receipt and processing of which the Subject will provide consent, in the absence of another legal basis for the processing of such personal data.
    • Personal data of the Subjects is stored in paper or electronic form by the Operator’s employees, who are directly responsible for interaction with such a third party within the framework of the contract for the provision of services concluded with him.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is proper interaction during the implementation of projects for clients (customers) of the Operator and (or) during the performance of work, provision of services by a third party for the Operator, if this Entity directly performs functions aimed at fulfilling the obligations of the third party under such agreement (for example, directly provides meals for students and employees, audits the accounting and other documentation of the Operator, recruits personnel for the Operator, etc.), as well as organizes the entry of the Subject into the territory of the Operator, if necessary during the execution of agreements concluded between the Operator and third parties contracts.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify the Subjects.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data of the Subjects is carried out during the entire validity period of contracts concluded between the Operator and a third party who is the Subject’s employer or has entered into a civil law agreement with the Subject, as well as after the expiration of the validity period of such contracts during the periods specified provided for by the legislation on archiving, as well as tax legislation and legislation on accounting, unless a longer period of processing and storage is established by the consent of the Subject, until the withdrawal of consent by the Subject, unless there is another legal basis for the processing and storage of the Subject’s personal data.

  5. Relatives and family members of employees: family members of the Operator’s employees (husband, wife, children, parents).

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • gender;
    • citizenship;
    • date (day, month, year) and place of birth;
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • information about the place of actual residence;
    • information about social status, including information about family relationships with the Operator’s employee; in addition, at the initiative of the Subject, personal data may be processed that confirms the special status of the Subject, making it possible to receive benefits, compensation, etc., provided for by law or local acts of the Operator;
    • contact details, including telephone (work, mobile), home address;
    • information about labor (official) activities (place of work, position, etc.);
    • information about the physical data of the Personal Data Subject, namely recordings of video surveillance systems (video recording) installed on the Operator’s premises;
    • other categories of personal data, for the receipt and processing of which the Subject will provide consent to processing, in the absence of another legal basis for the processing of such personal data.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to provide tax benefits and deductions, other provisions provided for by the current legislation and local regulations of the Operator, benefits to the Operator’s employees, as well as consideration of the implementation and (or) implementation with the participation of the Personal Data Subject of social, educational, medical and other internal corporate projects the Operator, including within the framework of providing a social package to employees (New Year and other gifts on the occasion of holidays, payments to the Operator’s employees on the occasion of marriage registration, the birth of a child, provision of vouchers for minor children of employees to health and entertainment camps, etc.), organization of corporate entertainment events with the participation of the Personal Data Subject.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify the Subjects.

    Personal data of the Subjects may also be provided (be available) to third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, security, insurance, medical, etc.), if this is necessary for proper provision of services by such third parties to the Operator.

    Personal data of Subjects who are family members of the Operator’s employees are stored in paper form:

    • as part of employees’ personal files;
    • accounting documents, including those relating to the accrual and payment of financial assistance to employees in connection with family events, other types of payments, the provision of tax and other benefits, etc., are stored in the form of separate files of accounting documents.

    Information regarding family members of employees and amounts of payments accrued in connection with family events, as well as provided tax and other benefits, etc. are also entered for the purpose of internal information support of the Operator and maintenance of automated accounting, access to which is provided to a limited circle of the Operator’s employees.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data of the Subjects is carried out for the entire duration of the contract with the Operator’s employee who is a member of the Subject’s family, in addition, the personal data specified in this paragraph of the Regulations may be stored after this period in accordance with tax, labor legislation, legislation on archiving and accounting, unless a longer period of processing and storage is established by the consent of the Subject, until such Subject withdraws consent, unless there is another legal basis for the processing and storage of the Subject’s personal data.

  6. Potential counterparties: individuals with whom the Operator (directly or through a third party) interacts (reviewing information about the counterparty, conducting negotiations, etc.) in order to make a decision on concluding a civil contract between him and the Operator.

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • gender;
    • citizenship;
    • date (day, month, year) and place of birth;
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • information about the place of actual residence;
    • information about existing experience in performing work and providing services;
    • contact information, including email address, telephone (work, mobile), IP addresses of devices used by the Subject during interaction with the Operator, their models, cookies;
    • financial information, including the estimated price of work, services within the framework of a civil contract planned for conclusion with the Operator, information on registration as an individual entrepreneur, certificate number and date of such registration, bank account details, tax resident status, mandatory insurance certificate pension insurance;
    • information about the physical data of the Personal Data Subject, namely recordings of video surveillance systems (video recording) installed on the Operator’s premises;
    • other categories of personal data, for the receipt and processing of which the Subject will provide consent to processing, in the absence of another legal basis for the processing of such personal data.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to consider the possibility of concluding a civil law agreement between the Operator and the Personal Data Subject.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify the Subjects.

    Personal data of the Subjects may also be provided (be available) to third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, security, etc.) if this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties To the operator.

    Personal data of potential counterparties is stored in paper and (or) electronic form.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data of potential counterparties is carried out during the entire period of negotiations with the Subject in order to resolve the issue of concluding a civil law contract with him, as well as after making a decision not to conclude a civil law contract with him at the moment agreement, unless there is another legal basis for the processing and storage of the Subject’s personal data.

  7. Applicants (candidates for admission): individuals (citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons) who have expressed a desire to participate in the competition to obtain education in specialties sold by the Operator.

    Categories of personal data:
    • surname (all previous surnames), first name, patronymic (if any);
    • gender;
    • citizenship;
    • date (day, month, year) and place of birth;
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • information about the place of actual residence;
    • information about educational documents and appendices thereto;
    • data on the results of centralized testing conducted in the Republic of Belarus;
    • passport data (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • autobiographical data, including data of family members, close relatives, legal representatives;
    • characteristics from the last place of study (work, service);
    • results of preliminary examination of the Subject by the compiling body;
    • results of medical examination;
    • results of a special check in relation to the Subject (upon admission to a full-time (full-time) form of education);
    • results of professional psychophysical selection (upon admission to full-time (full-time) education);
    • recommendations of a specialist psychologist (if necessary);
    • results of the Subject’s physical fitness (upon admission to full-time (full-time) education);
    • information about the Subject’s right to benefits established by the admission rules;
    • information about labor (service) activities;
    • information about the physical data of the Personal Data Subject, including photographs, recordings of video surveillance systems (video recording) installed on the Operator’s premises;
    • other categories of personal data given in the Subject’s educational file;
    • other categories of personal data for the receipt and processing of which the Subject will provide consent to processing, in the absence of another legal basis for the processing of such personal data.

    Personal data of the Subjects may be provided (be available) to third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, security, etc.) if this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties to the Operator , as well as other third parties, if this is necessary to organize the work of the Operator’s selection committee in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    Personal data of the Subjects is stored in paper form in the educational file in the Admissions Committee of the Operator. Personal data may also be entered into the Operator’s information systems.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to ensure compliance with the admission rules in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local legal acts of the Operator, as well as to ensure transparency and openness of the activities of the Operator’s admissions committee.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify the Subjects.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data of the Subjects is carried out during the entire period of work of the Operator’s selection committee.

  8. Students: individuals (citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreigners, stateless persons) accepted by the Operator to master the content of educational programs in specialties.

    Categories of personal data:
    • surname (all previous surnames), first name, patronymic (if any);
    • gender;
    • citizenship;
    • date (day, month, year) and place of birth;
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • passport data (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, identification number, etc.);
    • information about educational documents and appendices thereto;
    • information characterizing the physiological and biological characteristics of the Subject;
    • autobiographical data, including data of family members, close relatives, legal representatives;
    • results of medical examinations17px 0 0;
    • information about labor (official) activities (place of work, position, etc.);
    • accounting of statistical data of educational activities for the purpose of further processing;
    • financial information, including bank account details;
    • information about the physical data of the Personal Data Subject, including photographs, recordings of video surveillance systems (video recording) installed on the Operator’s premises;
    • other categories of personal data for the receipt and processing of which the Subject will provide consent to processing, in the absence of another legal basis for the processing of such personal data.

    Personal data of the Subjects may also be provided (be available):

    • third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, security, etc.) if this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties to the Operator;
    • organizations-customers of personnel (structural units of the central apparatus, subdivisions of central subordination, regional and Minsk city departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, other government bodies and organizations in whose interests specialists are trained) if this is necessary for organizing the educational process (organizing practical training, assessment of satisfaction with personnel training, distribution of graduates, etc.);
    • The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the state educational institution “Republican Institute of Higher School” if this is necessary for organizing the educational process (maintaining and updating a data bank of gifted youth, creating a data bank of educational documents and etc.);
    • citizenship and migration divisions of territorial internal affairs bodies (only for foreign students) if this is necessary for organizing the educational process (migration registration, issuing exit visas, informing about foreign citizens who terminated educational relations early, etc. );
    • other third parties if this is necessary for organizing the educational process, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    Personal data of potential counterparties is stored in paper and (or) electronic form.

    Personal data of the Subjects is stored in paper form in a personal file in the personnel department, the relevant faculty and the archive of the Operator. Personal data can also be entered into the Operator’s information systems.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is the fulfillment of contractual obligations between the Subject and the Operator, the organization and implementation of educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the organization of individual educational work with the Subject, provision of the Subject material and technical, clothing property, monetary allowance, provision of medical care to the Subject, ensuring the participation of the Subject in research, sports, social and political activities, implementation of the Operator’s policy in the field of labor protection.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify the Subjects.

    Information regarding accrued amounts of payments, as well as provided tax and other benefits, etc. are also entered for the purpose of internal information support of the Operator and maintenance of automated accounting, access to which is provided to a limited circle of the Operator’s employees.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of students’ personal data is carried out for the entire duration of the contractual (agreement) obligations concluded between the Operator and the Subjects, as well as after the expiration of the contractual (agreement) obligations in accordance with the legislation on archiving. The personal data of students after their dismissal can be reused by the Operator to prepare characteristics, recommendations, reviews of the quality of the Subject’s work from his immediate supervisors during the period of training with the Operator.

  9. Guests: individuals (both citizens of the Republic of Belarus and foreign citizens, stateless persons, persons permanently or temporarily residing abroad) arriving in the Republic of Belarus (to the Operator) for the purpose of business trips (business visits), including abroad.

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • gender;
    • citizenship;
    • date (day, month, year) and place of birth;
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • information about the purpose of arrival in the Republic of Belarus;
    • information about migration registration;
    • registration address at the place of residence;
    • actual address of residence (home address);
    • information about work, including place of work and position, information about business trips, other business trips (timing, duration, directions);
    • contact information, including
      email address, telephone (work, mobile), IP addresses of devices used by the Subject during interaction with the Operator, their models, cookies;
    • information about violations of the law, including
      facts of administrative and criminal prosecution, the presence or absence of a criminal record, information about any legal proceedings involving the Personal Data Subject, the existence of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution on rehabilitative grounds;
    • information about the physical data of the Personal Data Subject, including photographs, recordings of video surveillance systems (video recording) installed on the Operator’s premises;
    • other categories of personal data for the receipt and processing of which the Subject will provide consent to processing, in the absence of another legal basis for the processing of such personal data.

    The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to organize a business trip, business trip (booking and payment of a hotel, tickets) of the Subject to the Operator, to assist the Personal Data Subject in issuing an invitation, a visa for the entry of the Personal Data Subject into the territory of the Republic of Belarus, re-issuing the above documents, in order visits, negotiations, exchange of experience between the Subject and the Operator, as well as providing the Subject with access to the Operator’s territory, the opportunity to use equipment and communication means (including the Wi-Fi network) during the period of his stay on the Operator’s territory.

    Records of video surveillance systems (video recording) are processed to ensure the personal safety of Personal Data Subjects and ensure the safety of the property of the Operator and Personal Data Subjects, and are not used to identify Subjects.

    Personal data of the Personal Data Subject is also collected and processed for the purpose of providing it and transferring it to third parties for internal corporate accounting of business trips and business visits, as well as expenses for them.

    Personal data may also, with the consent of the Subjects, be transferred (including cross-border) to third parties providing the Operator with services in the field of assistance in issuing, re-issuing, extending the validity of invitations to enter, visas, as well as services in the field of booking, purchasing, assistance in booking and purchasing tickets for all types of transport, transfers, hotels (inns), other accommodation options, etc., as well as third parties and (or) their employees representing the interests of the Operator in relations with government and other authorities regarding the preparation of the above documents for Subjects.

    The personal data of the Subjects specified in this paragraph of the Regulations is stored in paper form in the form of binders of document packages for each of the Subjects, as well as in electronic form.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data of the Subjects is carried out during the entire period of registration, re-registration, extension of the validity period of the documents specified in this paragraph of the Regulations, and during the entire period of a business visit, trip, in addition to the personal data specified in this paragraph of the Regulations may be stored after this period in accordance with tax, labor legislation, legislation on archiving and accounting, or with the consent of the Personal Data Subject until such Subject withdraws consent, unless there is another legal basis for the processing and storage of the Subject’s personal data.

  10. Visitors: individuals who regularly or once visit the Operator (including branches of the Operator).

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • gender;
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • recordings of video surveillance systems (video recording) installed on the Operator’s premises.

    The purpose of processing personal data is to comply with the access control regime on the territory of the Operator, issue passes to the territory of the Operator, ensure the personal safety of the Personal Data Subject, employees and students (listeners) of the Operator.

    Personal data of the Operator’s visitors is stored in paper form in the form of visit logs, and can also be stored electronically.

    Copying of information contained in such visit logs is not permitted. The personal data of each Personal Data Subject can be entered into such a visit log no more than once in each case of the Personal Data Subject’s entry into the Operator’s territory.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data of Personal Data Subjects is carried out for 1 (one) year, with the exception of recordings of video surveillance systems, the storage period of which is 1 month, or with the consent of the Personal Data Subject until such Subject withdraws consent, if not other legal basis for processing the Subject’s personal data.

  11. Applicants. Individuals who sent an appeal (request, feedback, proposal) to the Operator (including by mail) or left an appeal (request, feedback) on the Operator’s website and (or) filled out any forms on the Website that require entering personal data to complete those or other actions on the site (for example, filling out a registration form for training, etc.).

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • information about the place of actual residence;
    • information about labor (service) activities, including the name of the employer and position;
    • contact information, including
      the address for sending a response to an appeal (request, review, proposal), email address, contact phone number, information collected automatically (IP address of devices used by the Personal Data Subject during interaction with the Operator and visiting the site, type devices, date and time of visiting the site, updating and deleting data, information about actions on the site, cookies, including using metric programs Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google reCAPTCHA, .NET framework, IS3 component);
    • audio recordings of telephone conversations;
    • other categories of personal data provided by the Subject independently, including in his requests (requests, reviews) or through electronic forms of the Operator’s website.

    The purpose of processing personal data is to consider and resolve the merits of the request (request, review, proposal) sent by the Subject (including by mail) or left on the Operator’s website and (or) those who have filled out any forms on the Site that require entering personal data for performing certain actions on the site (for example, filling out a registration form for training, etc.), establishing feedback for the above purposes (including clarifying personal data, confirming the accuracy and completeness of the information and personal data provided by the Subject and sending a response to the request (request, feedback, proposal) of the Personal Data Subject), fulfillment of the powers and duties assigned to the Operator by current legislation.

    The Subject’s personal data may also be provided (be available) to third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, advertising, etc.), in cases where this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties persons to the Operator.

    Cookies are processed in order to improve the operation of the Operator’s website, increase the convenience and efficiency of the Personal Data Subject’s work with the Operator’s website, provide solutions and services that best meet the Subject’s needs, determine the Subject’s preferences, display advertisements (behavioral advertising), and also to provide targeted information on the Operator’s solutions and services, providing the Subject with targeted advertising based on the Subject’s preferences (actions) on the site, as well as to ensure the technical ability of the Operator’s website to function.

    The Subject’s personal data is stored in paper form (written request (request, review, proposal) and a written response to it) or electronically in the Operator’s information systems.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data is carried out during the entire period of consideration and resolution on the merits of the appeal (request, review, proposal) Storage period of the Subject’s personal data in paper form (written appeal (request, review, proposal) and written response to it is 5 years, unless otherwise provided by current legislation. In case of leaving a request (request, review, proposal) through the site, the Subject’s personal data is stored for the entire period of use of the Operator’s website by the Subject until he withdraws consent, unless there is another legal basis for processing and storage of the Subject’s personal data. The storage period for audio recordings of telephone conversations between the Subject and the Operator is 1 year, or with the consent of the Personal Data Subject until such Subject withdraws consent, unless there is another legal basis for processing the Subject’s personal data.

  12. Site users: individuals who use the site ( with authorization (registration) and purposefully provide their personal data to the Operator.

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • location information;
    • audio recordings of telephone conversations;
    • contact details (email address);
    • information collected automatically, including
      IP addresses of devices used to visit the site, device type, date and time of site visit, updating and deleting data, information about actions on the site (including advertisements viewed, use of site services), “cookies”, including using metric programs Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google reCAPTCHA, .NET framework, IS3 component and others;
    • other information contained in the electronic registration form and which the Subject provided at his own request.

    The purpose of processing personal data is to consider the possibility of concluding an agreement (including a public contract) between the Operator and the Personal Data Subject for the provision of educational and auxiliary educational services, providing the Subject with the opportunity to receive educational and auxiliary educational services using the website ( ), establishing feedback with the Subject, generating financial statements of the Operator.

    The Subject’s personal data may also be provided (be available) to third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, advertising, etc.), in cases where this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties persons to the Operator.

    Cookies are processed in order to improve the operation of the site, increase the convenience and efficiency of the Personal Data Subject’s work with the site, provide solutions and services that best meet the Subject’s needs, determine the Subject’s preferences, display advertisements (behavioral advertising), and also to provide targeted information on the solutions and services of the Operator, as well as to ensure the technical ability of the site to function.

    Audio recordings of telephone conversations serve to improve the quality of services provided.

    The Subject’s personal data may also be provided (be available) to third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (legal, auditing, accounting, advertising, etc.), in cases where this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties persons to the Operator.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data is carried out during the entire period of use by the Subject of the site (provision of educational and auxiliary educational services) until the withdrawal of consent, unless there is another legal basis for the processing and storage of the Subject’s personal data. The storage period for audio recordings of telephone conversations between the Subject and the Operator is 1 year, or with the consent of the Personal Data Subject until such Subject withdraws consent, unless there is another legal basis for processing the Subject’s personal data.

  13. Visitors to the Operator’s website: individuals who use the website without authorization (registration) on the website and do not purposefully provide their personal data to the Operator.

    Categories of personal data:
    • information collected automatically, including IP addresses of devices used to visit the site, device type, date and time of site visit, updating and deleting data,
    • information about actions on the site (including ads viewed, use of site services), “cookies”, including using metric programs Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google reCAPTCHA, .NET framework, IS3 component and others.

    The purpose of processing personal data is to improve the operation of the site, increase the convenience and efficiency of the Subject’s work with the site, provide solutions and services that best meet the Subject’s needs, determine the Subject’s preferences, display advertisements (behavioral advertising), as well as provide targeted information on the Operator’s solutions and services , providing the Subject with targeted advertising based on the Subject’s preferences (actions) on the site through various services, ensuring the technical ability of the site to function.

    Personal data of the Subjects may also be provided (be available) to third parties with whom the Operator has concluded agreements for the provision of services to the Operator (technical support, advertising, etc.) if this is necessary for the proper provision of services by such third parties to the Operator.

    The Subject’s personal data is stored electronically in the Operator’s information systems.

    Processing and storage period: processing and storage of personal data is carried out during the entire period of use of the site by the Subject, until the Subject withdraws consent, unless there is another legal basis for the processing and storage of the Subject’s personal data.

    More detailed information about the processing of personal data of Subjects collected on the Site is contained in the documents posted on this Site and the texts of consents to the processing of personal data posted on the site.

    When using the site, authorization (registration) on the site, Subjects are provided with complete information about the procedure for processing their personal data collected through this site. The collection and processing of personal data through the site is carried out only after the Subjects provide consent to the processing of their personal data. Such consent can be provided by checking the consent mark in a specially designated field on the site, clicking the “Accept” button and other similar methods.

  14. Other Personal Data Subjects: categories of individuals not specified in clauses 13–24.

    Categories of personal data:
    • Full Name;
    • contact information (including home and (or) mobile phone numbers, email, etc.);
    • passport data or data of another identification document (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, etc.);
    • information about registration at the place of residence (including address, date of registration);
    • number and series of the state social insurance certificate;
    • data on education, advanced training and professional retraining, academic degree, academic title;
    • bank account details;
    • taxpayer identification number;
    • specialty, profession, qualification;
    • other data necessary for the fulfillment of mutual rights and obligations between the Operator and the counterparty.
  1. The processing of personal data of Subjects is based on the following principles:
    • the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other regulatory legal acts;
    • the processing of personal data must be proportionate to the stated purposes of their processing and ensure at all stages of such processing a fair balance of interests of all interested parties;
    • processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data, except for cases provided for by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislative acts;
    • The processing of personal data must be limited to the achievement of specific, pre-declared legitimate purposes. Processing of personal data that is incompatible with the originally stated purposes of their processing is not permitted;
    • the content and volume of personal data processed must correspond to the stated purposes of their processing. The personal data processed should not be redundant in relation to the stated purposes of their processing;
    • the processing of personal data must be transparent. For these purposes, the subject of personal data, in cases provided for by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, is provided with relevant information regarding the processing of his personal data;
    • The operator is obliged to take measures to ensure the accuracy of the personal data he processes and, if necessary, update them;
    • storage of personal data must be carried out in a form that allows identification of the subject of personal data, no longer than required by the stated purposes of processing personal data.
  1. General rules.
    1. The processing of personal data is carried out through mixed (both with the use of automation tools and without the use of automation tools) processing, including using the internal network and the Internet.
    2. In cases established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the main condition for the processing of personal data is obtaining the consent of the relevant subject of personal data, including in writing.
    3. The written consent of the personal data subject to the processing of his personal data must include:
      • surname, first name, patronymic (if any);
      • date of birth;
      • identification number, and in the absence of such a number – the number of the document proving his identity;
      • signature of the subject of personal data. If the purposes of processing personal data do not require processing of information, this information is not subject to processing by the Operator upon obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data.
    4. The consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data, with the exception of special personal data, is not required in the following cases:
      • for the purposes of conducting administrative and (or) criminal proceedings, carrying out operational investigative activities;
      • for the administration of justice, execution of court decisions and other executive documents;
      • for the purpose of exercising control (supervision) in accordance with legislative acts;
      • when implementing legislation in the field of national security, anti-corruption, prevention of money laundering, financing of terrorist activities and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
      • when implementing the norms of legislation on elections, referendums, on the recall of a deputy of the House of Representatives, a member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, a deputy of the local Council of Deputies;
      • for maintaining individual (personalized) records of information about insured persons for the purposes of state social insurance, including professional pension insurance;
      • when registering labor (official) relations, as well as in the process of labor (official) activities of the subject of personal data in cases provided for by law;
      • for carrying out notarial activities;
      • when considering issues related to citizenship of the Republic of Belarus, granting refugee status, subsidiary protection, asylum and temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus;
      • for the purpose of assigning and paying pensions and benefits;
      • for organizing and conducting state statistical observations, generating official statistical information;
      • for scientific or other research purposes, subject to mandatory anonymization of personal data;
      • when accounting, calculating and charging fees for housing and communal services, fees for the use of residential premises and reimbursement of electricity costs, fees for other services and tax refunds, as well as when providing benefits and collecting debt on fees for housing and communal services, fees for the use of residential premises and reimbursement of electricity costs;
      • upon receipt of personal data by the Operator on the basis of an agreement concluded (to be concluded) with the subject of personal data, in order to perform actions established by this agreement;
      • when processing personal data when they are specified in a document addressed to the Operator and signed by the subject of personal data, in accordance with the content of such document;
      • for the purpose of carrying out the legitimate professional activities of a journalist and (or) the activities of a mass media outlet, an organization engaged in publishing activities, aimed at protecting the public interest, which represents the need of society to detect and disclose information about threats to national security, public order, public health and the environment , information affecting the performance of their duties by public officials holding a responsible position, public figures, with the exception of cases provided for by civil procedural, economic procedural, criminal procedural legislation, legislation defining the procedure for administrative proceedings;
      • to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the subject of personal data or other persons, if obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data is impossible;
      • in relation to previously distributed personal data until the subject of personal data makes a request to stop processing the distributed personal data, as well as to delete it in the absence of other grounds for processing personal data provided for by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislative acts;
      • in cases where the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfill the duties (powers) provided for by legislative acts;
      • in cases where the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislative acts directly provide for the processing of personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data.
    5. Processing of special personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data is prohibited, except for the following cases:
      • if special personal data is made publicly available personal data by the subject of the personal data;
      • when registering labor (official) relations, as well as in the process of labor (official) activities of the subject of personal data in cases provided for by law;
      • when public associations, political parties, trade unions, religious organizations process personal data of their founders (members) to achieve their statutory goals, provided that this data is not subject to distribution without the consent of the subject of personal data;
      • for the purpose of organizing the provision of medical care, provided that such personal data is processed by a medical, pharmaceutical or other healthcare professional who is charged with ensuring the protection of personal data and, in accordance with the law, is subject to the obligation to maintain medical confidentiality;
      • for the administration of justice, execution of court decisions and other executive documents, execution of writ of execution, registration of inheritance rights;
      • for the purposes of conducting administrative and (or) criminal proceedings, carrying out operational investigative activities;
      • in cases provided for by criminal executive legislation, legislation in the field of national security, defense, anti-corruption, anti-terrorism and countering extremism, prevention of money laundering, financing of terrorist activities and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, legislation on the State Border of the Republic of Belarus, citizenship, procedure for leaving the Republic of Belarus and entering the Republic of Belarus, refugee status, additional protection, asylum and temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus;
      • in order to ensure the functioning of a unified state system for registering and recording offenses;
      • for the purpose of maintaining forensic records;
      • for organizing and conducting state statistical observations, generating official statistical information;
      • to carry out administrative procedures;
      • in connection with the implementation of international treaties of the Republic of Belarus on readmission;
      • when documenting the population;
      • to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the subject of personal data or other persons, if obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data is impossible;
      • in cases where the processing of special personal data is necessary to fulfill the duties (powers) provided for by legislative acts;
      • in cases where the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislative acts directly provide for the processing of special personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data. Processing of special personal data is permitted only if a set of measures is taken to prevent risks that may arise during the processing of such personal data for the rights and freedoms of personal data subjects.
  2. Collection of personal data.
    1. The source of information about all personal data is directly the subject of the personal data.
    2. Unless otherwise established by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, the Operator has the right to receive personal data of the subject of personal data from third parties only upon notification of this to the subject, or with the written consent of the subject to receive his personal data from third parties.
    3. Notification of the subject of personal data about the receipt of his personal data from third parties must contain:
      • name of the Operator and address of its location;
      • the purpose of processing personal data and its legal basis;
      • intended users of personal data;
      • statutory rights of the subject of personal data;
      • source of obtaining personal data.
  3. Storage of personal data.
    1. When storing personal data, conditions must be observed to ensure the safety of personal data.
    2. Documents, including personal data contained on paper, are located in specially designated areas with limited access under conditions that ensure their protection from unauthorized access. The list of document storage locations is determined by the Operator.
    3. Personal data stored electronically is protected from unauthorized access using special technical and software security measures. Storing personal data in electronic form outside the information systems used by the Operator and databases specially designated by the Operator (off-system storage of personal data) is not permitted.
    4. The storage of personal data must be carried out in a form that allows identification of the subject of personal data, but no longer than required by the purposes of their processing, unless a different period is established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor.
    5. Unless otherwise provided by law, the processed personal data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the processing goals, in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these goals, or upon expiration of their storage period.
    6. The destruction of personal data is carried out by a commission, the composition of which is determined by order of the head of the university (for branches – by the head of the corresponding branch).
    7. The destruction or depersonalization of personal data must be carried out in a way that precludes further processing of this personal data. At the same time, if necessary, it is necessary to retain the ability to process other data recorded on the appropriate material medium (deletion, erasure).
    8. If it is necessary to destroy or block part of the personal data, the material medium is destroyed or blocked with preliminary copying of information that is not subject to destruction or blocking, in a way that precludes simultaneous copying of personal data that is subject to destruction or blocking.
    9. If it is necessary to destroy or block part of the personal data, the material medium is destroyed or blocked with preliminary copying of information that is not subject to destruction or blocking, in a way that precludes simultaneous copying of personal data that is subject to destruction or blocking.
    10. Based on the results of the destruction of personal data, the commission draws up an act.
  4. Usage.
    1. Personal data is processed and used for the purposes specified in Chapter 5 of this Regulation.
    2. Access to personal data is provided only to those employees of the Operator whose job duties involve working with personal data, and only for the period necessary to work with the relevant data. The list of such persons is determined by the Operator.
    3. If it becomes necessary to provide access to personal data to employees who are not included in the list of persons with access to personal data, they may be provided with temporary access to a limited range of personal data by order of the head of the university (head of the branch). The relevant employees must be familiarized with all local legal acts of the Operator in the field of personal data, and must also sign an obligation of non-disclosure of personal data.
    4. Employees processing personal data without the use of automation tools are informed (including by reading these Regulations) about the fact of their processing of personal data, the categories of personal data being processed, as well as the features and rules for such processing established by law and these Regulations.
    5. Employees of the Operator who do not have properly authorized access to personal data are prohibited.
    6. If it is necessary to use or distribute certain personal data separately from other personal data located on the same material medium, the personal data that is subject to distribution or use is copied in a manner that precludes simultaneous copying of personal data that is not subject to distribution and use, and a copy of the personal data is used (distributed). data.
    7. Clarification of personal data during their processing without the use of automation tools is carried out by updating or changing the data on a tangible medium, and if this is not allowed by the technical features of the material medium – by recording on the same material medium information about changes made to them or by producing a new material medium with updated personal data.
  5. Transfer.
    1. The transfer of personal data of subjects to third parties is allowed in the minimum required volumes and only for the purpose of performing tasks corresponding to the objective reason for collecting this data.
    2. Transfer of personal data to third parties, including for commercial purposes, is permitted only with the consent of the subject or other legal basis.
    3. When transferring personal data to third parties, the subject must be notified of such transfer, except in cases specified by law, in particular if:
      • the subject of personal data is notified of the processing of his personal data by the Operator, who received the relevant data from the Operator;
      • personal data is made publicly available by the subject of personal data or obtained from a publicly available source;
      • personal data is processed for statistical or other research purposes, for the professional activities of a journalist or scientific, literary or other creative activity, unless the rights and legitimate interests of the subject of personal data are violated.
    4. The transfer of information containing personal data must be carried out in a manner that provides protection from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other unlawful actions in relation to such information.
    5. Cross-border transfer of personal data is prohibited if the territory of a foreign state does not provide an adequate level of protection of the rights of personal data subjects, except in cases where:
      • the consent of the subject of personal data is given, provided that the subject of personal data is informed of the risks arising from the lack of an adequate level of protection;
      • personal data was obtained on the basis of an agreement concluded (to be concluded) with the subject of personal data in order to perform actions established by this agreement;
      • personal data can be obtained by any person by sending a request in cases and in the manner prescribed by law;
      • such transfer is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the subject of personal data or other persons, if obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data is impossible;
      • processing of personal data is carried out within the framework of the implementation of international treaties of the Republic of Belarus;
      • such transfer is carried out by the financial monitoring body in order to take measures to prevent the laundering of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorist activities and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in accordance with the law;
      • the appropriate permission has been received from the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects.
    6. Persons receiving personal data must be warned that this data can only be used for the purposes for which it was communicated and in compliance with confidentiality. The operator has the right to require confirmation from these persons that this rule has been complied with.
    7. In cases where government authorities have the right to request personal data or personal data must be provided by law, as well as in accordance with a court request, the relevant information can be provided to them in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
    8. All incoming requests must be transferred to the person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data by the Operator for preliminary consideration and approval.
  6. Processing order.
    1. The operator has the right to entrust the processing of personal data to an authorized person.
    2. An agreement between the Operator and an authorized person, an act of legislation or a decision of a government body must define:
      • purposes of processing personal data;
      • a list of actions that will be performed with personal data by an authorized person;
      • obligations to maintain the confidentiality of personal data;
      • measures to ensure the protection of personal data in accordance with Article 17 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.
    3. The authorized person is not required to obtain the consent of the subject of personal data. If the processing of personal data on behalf of the Operator requires obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data, such consent is obtained by the Operator.
    4. If the Operator entrusts the processing of personal data to an authorized person, the Operator is responsible to the subject of personal data for the actions of the specified person. The authorized person is responsible to the Operator.
  7. Protection.
    1. The protection of personal data refers to a number of legal, organizational and technical measures aimed at:
      • ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions in relation to such information;
      • maintaining the confidentiality of restricted information;
      • implementation of the right to access information.
    2. To protect personal data, the Operator takes the necessary measures provided by law (including, but not limited to):
      • limits and regulates the composition of employees whose functional duties require access to information containing personal data (including through the use of access passwords to electronic information resources);
      • provides conditions for storing documents containing personal data in limited access;
      • organizes the procedure for the destruction of information containing personal data, if the legislation does not establish requirements for the storage of relevant data;
      • monitors compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security of personal data, including those established by these Regulations (by conducting internal audits, installing special monitoring tools, etc.);
      • conducts investigations into cases of unauthorized access or disclosure of personal data, bringing the guilty employees to justice and taking other measures;
      • implements software and hardware to protect information in electronic form;
      • provides the possibility of restoring personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it.
    3. To protect personal data when processing it in information systems, the Operator takes the necessary measures provided by law (including, but not limited to):
      • identification of threats to the security of personal data during their processing;
      • application of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems necessary to fulfill the requirements for the protection of personal data;
      • accounting of computer storage media of personal data;
      • detecting facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures;
      • restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it;
      • establishing rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system, as well as ensuring registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system.
    4. The operator appoints the persons responsible for organizing the processing of personal data.
    5. The Operator takes other measures aimed at ensuring that the Operator fulfills its obligations in the field of personal data provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  1. The subject of personal data has the right:
    1. at any time, without giving reasons, withdraw your consent by submitting an application to the Operator in the manner prescribed by Article 14 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, or in the form through which his consent was obtained;
    2. by submitting an application, receive information regarding the processing of your personal data, containing:
      • name and location of the Operator;
      • confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by the Operator (authorized person);
      • his personal data and the source of its receipt;
      • legal grounds and purposes of processing personal data;
      • the period for which his consent is given;
      • the name and location of the authorized person, which is a state body, a legal entity of the Republic of Belarus, or another organization, if the processing of personal data is entrusted to such a person;
      • other information required by law;
    3. by submitting an application, require the Operator to make changes to your personal data if the personal data is incomplete, outdated or inaccurate. For these purposes, the subject of personal data submits an application to the Operator in the manner established by Article 14 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, attaching the relevant documents and (or) their duly certified copies confirming the need to make changes to the personal data;
    4. receive from the Operator information about providing your personal data to third parties once a calendar year free of charge, unless otherwise provided by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislative acts. To obtain the specified information, the subject of personal data submits an application to the Operator. The personal data subject’s statement must contain:
      • surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the Personal Data Subject, address of his place of residence (place of stay);
      • date of birth of the subject of personal data;
      • identification number of the Personal Data Subject, in the absence of such a number – the number of the identity document of the Personal Data Subject, in cases where this information was indicated by the personal data subject when giving his consent to the Operator or the processing of personal data is carried out without the consent of the personal data subject;
      • statement of the essence of the requirements of the Personal Data Subject;
      • personal signature or electronic digital signature of the Personal Data Subject;
    5. demand from the Operator a free termination of the processing of their personal data, including their deletion, in the absence of grounds for the processing of personal data provided for by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislative acts. To exercise this right, the subject of personal data submits an application to the Operator in the manner prescribed by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data;
    6. appeal actions (inaction) and decisions of the Operator that violate his rights when processing personal data to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects in the manner established by the legislation on appeals from citizens and legal entities.
  2. The subject’s right to access his personal data may be limited in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  3. All requests from subjects or their representatives in connection with the processing of their personal data are registered in the appropriate log.
  4. The subject of personal data is obliged to:
    • provide the Operator with reliable personal data;
    • promptly inform the Operator about changes and additions to your personal data;
    • exercise your rights in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local legal acts of the Operator in the field of processing and protection of personal data;
    • perform other duties provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local legal acts of the Operator in the field of personal data processing.
  1. The operator has the right:
    • establish rules for the processing of personal data, make changes and additions to these Regulations, independently, within the framework of legal requirements, develop and apply forms of documents necessary to fulfill the duties of the Operator;
    • exercise other rights provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local legal acts of the Operator in the field of processing and protection of personal data.
  1. The head of the university, from among the Operator’s employees, on the basis of an order, appoints a structural unit or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data at the university.
  2. The head of the relevant branch, from among the employees of the Operator’s branch, on the basis of an order, appoints a structural unit or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data in the Operator’s branch.
  3. The structural unit or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data has the right to require the Operator to provide the following information:
    • name (last name, first name, patronymic), address of the Operator;
    • purpose of processing personal data;
    • categories of personal data;
    • categories of Subjects whose personal data is processed;
    • legal basis for processing personal data;
    • a list of actions with personal data, a general description of the methods used by the Operator for processing personal data;
    • description of the measures provided for in Article 17 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, including information on the availability of encryption (cryptographic) means and the names of these means;
    • last name, first name, patronymic of the individual or name of the legal entity responsible for organizing the processing of personal data, and their contact phone numbers, postal addresses and email addresses;
    • date of commencement of processing of personal data;
    • term or condition for termination of processing of personal data;
    • information about the presence or absence of cross-border transfer of personal data during their processing;
    • information on ensuring the security of personal data in accordance with the requirements for the protection of personal data established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  4. The structural unit or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data is obliged to ensure:
    • bringing the process of processing personal data by the Operator into compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and these Regulations;
    • implementation of internal control over compliance by the Operator and its employees with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on personal data, including requirements for the protection of personal data;
    • bringing to the attention of the Operator’s employees the provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on personal data, these Regulations and other local acts on the processing of personal data, requirements for the protection of personal data;
    • organizing the reception and processing of requests and requests from Personal Data Subjects or their representatives and (or) monitoring the receipt and processing of such requests and requests;
    • timely detection of facts of unauthorized access to personal data and immediate communication of this information to the management of the Operator;
    • preventing influence on technical means of automated processing of personal data, as a result of which their functioning may be disrupted;
    • the possibility of immediate restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it;
    • constant monitoring of ensuring the level of security of personal data;
    • knowledge and compliance with the conditions for using information security tools provided for in the operational and technical documentation;
    • accounting of information security means used, operational and technical documentation for them, personal data carriers;
    • investigation and drawing up conclusions on facts of non-compliance with the storage conditions of personal data carriers, the use of information security measures that may lead to a violation of the confidentiality of personal data or other violations leading to a decrease in the level of security of personal data, development and adoption of measures to prevent possible dangerous consequences of such violations;
    • interaction with the authorized body for the protection of the rights of Personal Data Subjects;
    • implementation of measures necessary to ensure the storage of material media of personal data under conditions that ensure the safety of personal data and exclude unauthorized access to them;
    • formation and updating of the list of categories of employees who are provided with access to personal data for the performance of labor (official) duties;
  5. The structural unit or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data receives instructions directly from the head of the university (in branches – from the heads of branches) and is accountable to him in terms of organizing and implementing internal control over the processing of personal data.
  6. The list of employee positions, the replacement of which involves providing access to personal data for the performance of labor (official) duties, is given in the Regulations.
    The list of employee positions, the replacement of which involves providing access to personal data for the performance of labor (official) duties, in the branches of the Operator is separated by order of the head of the branch of the Operator. Such persons begin processing personal data only after they have signed an obligation to comply with the procedure for processing personal data.
  7. The Operator’s employees who have access to personal data have the right to take part in training on the protection of personal data during their processing, organized by a structural unit or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data.
  8. Employees of the Operator who have access to personal data are obliged to:
    • not to transfer (in any form and by any means) and not to disclose to third parties and employees of the Operator who do not have the right to receive such information due to their labor (official) duties or in accordance with the decision of the head of the university (head of the branch), information containing personal data (except for personal data), which is entrusted or has become known in connection with the performance of labor (official) duties, maintain secrecy (confidentiality) in relation to this information;
    • in the event of an attempt by third parties or employees of the Operator who do not have the right to obtain information containing personal data (except for information directly related to these persons), immediately report this fact to their immediate or (in the absence of a direct) superior manager or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data;
    • receive only that information containing personal data that is necessary to perform specific functions within the framework of the employee’s labor (official) duties, not use information containing personal data for any other purpose other than for the purposes for which the employee was granted access to personal data;
    • ensure the safety of material and other personal data carriers, prevent the leakage of personal data or their misuse, immediately report to the immediate or (in the absence of a direct) superior manager or the person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data on facts of unauthorized disclosure of information containing personal data data, or loss of material media with information containing personal data, keys to premises, cabinets, cabinets, safes where information containing personal data is stored, personal access identifiers;
    • comply with the requirements of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 21, 2008 No. 418-Z “On the Population Register”, the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated November 10, 2008 No. 455-Z “On Information , informatization and information protection”, as well as these Regulations and other internal (local) documents of the Operator and regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus regulating the issues of protecting the interests of Personal Data Subjects, the procedure for processing and protecting personal data;
    • after termination of the right to access information containing personal data (change of labor (official) function to one that does not provide access to personal data, or termination of the contract), stop processing personal data that became known in connection with the performance of labor (official) duties, and not process, not disclose or transfer (in any form and by any means) known information containing personal data to third parties and unauthorized employees of the Operator, promptly transfer information carriers to the manager or other person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data, containing information about personal data, technical means for working with this information, received or created personally or jointly with other employees in the performance of labor (official) duties and (or) which were provided for use by the employee;
    • carry out systematic monitoring of documents, information systems, computer files, external electronic media, other tangible media containing personal data used by the employee to perform job duties, and notify his immediate or (in the absence of a direct) superior manager or structural unit or person, responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data, about the expiration of the terms for processing and storing such personal data provided for in these Regulations, regulations, concluded contracts or about the occurrence of other legal grounds for stopping the processing of such personal data that have become known to the employee.
  9. The heads of the Operator’s structural divisions must ensure the maintenance of a register of personal data processing.
  1. Control over the implementation of this Regulation is assigned to the structural unit or person responsible for internal control over the processing of personal data.
  2. Persons who violate or fail to comply with the requirements of the Regulations are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  1. In relation to cases not regulated by these Regulations, the Operator and its employees are guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. Changes to the Regulations are made as necessary by approving changes, additions and (or) presenting the Regulations in a new edition.
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