In the early summer of 1941, Lara went on summer vacation to her uncle’s house in the village of Pechenevo. It was here that the war caught up with her. Like many of her peers, young Lara began to lead a dangerous partisan life.
Since August 1943, the detachment in which Lara was, actively participated in the “rail war”. Already an experienced scout, Larisa collected information about the protection of bridges and the possibilities of their mining. Thanks to Lara, in one of the operations, besides the bridge, an enemy train passing over it was put out of operation: the girl managed to get close to the bridge, where she lit a fire cord right in front of the approaching train.
In the deep fall of 1943, Larisa and two partisans went to the village of Ignatovo for reconnaissance. They secretly stopped at the house of a proven man. While the partisans were socializing with the landlady, Larissa stayed outside for observation. As it will turn out later, they were betrayed by someone from the locals suddenly appeared enemies, and Lara had time to warn her friends about it. But the forces were not equal – both partisans were killed in the battle, and Larissa was captured to take to interrogation. The girl still had a hand grenade in her coat, she threw it at the fascists… But the grenade did not explode.
On November 4, 1943 Larisa Dorofeyevna Mikheenko was shot after a cruel interrogation accompanied by torture and abuse.