Vasya Korobko

Vasya Korobko
Vasya Korobko
14 years old
Vasya Korobko

Night. Vasya sneaks up to the school building occupied by the Nazis.

He sneaks into the pioneer room, takes out the pioneer banner and safely hides it.

The outskirts of the village. Under the bridge – Vasya. He pulls out iron brackets, filing piles, and at dawn from the shelter watches the bridge collapsing under the weight of the fascist APC. The partisans were convinced that Vassa could be trusted, and entrusted him with a serious task: to become a scout in the enemy’s lair. In the headquarters of the fascists he stoked stoves, cut wood, and he himself looks closely, memorizes, transmits information to the partisans. The punishers, who planned to exterminate the partisans, forced the boy to lead them into the forest. But Vasya led the Hitlerites to the ambush of the Polizei. Hitlerites, in the darkness mistaking them for partisans, opened a frenzied fire, killed all the Polizei and suffered heavy losses.

Together with partisans Vasya destroyed nine echelons, hundreds of Hitlerites. In one of the battles he was hit by an enemy bullet. His little hero, who lived a short, but such a bright life, the Motherland awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” of the 1st degree.

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