The training site is an imitation of a private home (house or apartment) and allows you to simulate various emergency situations.
The training site is an imitation of a private home (house or apartment) and allows you to simulate various emergency situations.
The «Smart (Safe) Home» site allows to visualize the advantages of using «smart home» systems both in everyday life and in emergency situations. The training platform is a simulation of a private dwelling (house or apartment) and allows to simulate various emergency situations.
The training complex includes equipment for the following safety systems: control and response to communal accidents; safety of children and elderly people; control of household appliances and interior elements; climate control; lighting control; fire alarm system; automatic fire extinguishing; notification and evacuation control; emergency ventilation; security alarm system, etc. The training complex is equipped with the following safety systems.
Much attention in our smart apartment is paid to child safety. So the power in the socket can be turned on only with the help of a bracelet with a chip, and if the child decides to take the plug out of the socket, the electricity in it will be lost. The idea of protecting children from falling out of windows has also been realized. So if a child comes to the open window, it will automatically close.
Modern technologies make it possible to create a «smart entryway» that provides convenience and safety for residents. Some of the possible features are: access control systems, such as electronic locks with biometrics, emergency call from the intercom, smart mailboxes, contactless elevator call and others.
We visited the Security Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The impressions are the best and unforgettable. The atmosphere is unusually realistic, the situations are varied. I especially remember the Earthquake, the Smokey Room, and the Changeling Car. And, of course, an apartment with various household hazards. The story of a drug addict was also very impressive. And after all, ...